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Ville Gullstrand

Power BI Template for

Power BI Template for

I recently got pulled into the rabbit hole that is chess and mainly the analytics of it. I’m still a terrible player by all accounts. As I visioned all things you could potentially do with PGN (Portable Game Notation) data, I realized this type of number crunching might be better suited for Notebooks and Lakehouses […]

Non-linear parameter

Non-linear parameter

I feel like parameters in Power BI are way under utilized! I’m not talking about the ones in Power Query now but rather the ones that used to be named “What-if”, before field parameters were added. Parameters are a great way to allow your report users the ability to simulate outcomes! I have a couple […]

Creating Popups in Power BI

Creating Popups in Power BI

I had a discussion with my good friend and former colleague Mathilda Bäckman today regarding Power Automate in Power BI. The idea is awesome! You put a button in your report and give the end user the ability to take action with filtered date from the report directly without having to export any lists or […]

Measure Distance dynamically

Measure Distance dynamically

Some time ago I had a discussion with a friend of mine about the selection of comparable data. We talked about how schools were compared and expected to achieve the same results of they could be grouped as similar. The problem is that you have to define what parameters to look at for them to […]

Custom Timings in Viva Copilot reports

Custom Timings in Viva Copilot reports

In Viva Insights, you can set up 2 Copilot reports; Adoption and Impact. I’ve created a custom report, that you can download from here, where you can change the time settings manually for the Impact report! This blog post is split into these sections, so feel free to scroll to whatever seems most interesting to […]

Endless calculations to the people

Endless calculations to the people

Well maybe not endless, but at least very, very, very, very many! Let me clarify slightly. Or if you prefer to just see what I created and test it yourself, click here! In Power BI, one of the biggest upsides is the ability for the user to interact with the data and find their own […]